Islice Daro, born January 20, 1970, in Florida, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It recibide National Teacher of Drawing, at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, Manuel Belgrano and National Professor of Painting at the National School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredn. Make numerous exhibitions in Buenos Aires and since 1996 has shown regularly in the U.S. Her style limits between figurative and abstract. Merge compenetrndolas figures, the geometrizes and weaves to create the themed tireless fullness, company, Union, support. His characters do not suffer from loneliness, communicate their deepest feelings, love shines in his paintings. Currently experimenting with materials to provide greater emotional burden travs the tension of the material, acrylic and ink works with the largest number of strong lines and texture, incorporating yarns, fabrics and paper to reinforce it. 2006 _M & M Studios Gallery, Jpiter, Florida, USA 2005 _M & M Studios Gallery, Jpiter, Florida, USA _Exposicin individual in the National Commission Manzana de las Luces, Buenos Aires, Argentina. _ Mention of honor in the Paint Hall of Health medical center, Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2004 _Genesis Fine Art Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA 2003 _Gemini Fine Art Gallery, Delray Beach, Florida, USA _ArtViLo (Vte López Visual Artists), Member of the Commission Directive. 2002 _Arenales Gallery, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2001 _ Gallery Arenales, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2000 _Genesis Fine Art Gallery, Fort Lauderdale. Florida, USA _Genesis Fine Art Gallery, New Orleans, USA _Art-Expo New York, USA _Art-Expo Miami, USA 1999 _Genesis Fine Art Gallery, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA _ I Prize at the XVI Sketch Contest in the House of Culture Vte. Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1998 _M & M Studios Gallery, Jpiter, Florida, USA 1997 _M & M Studios Gallery, Jpiter, Florida, USA 1996 Gallery _M & M Studios, Jpiter, Florida, USA 1995 _Colectiva in the Rotary Club of San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina . _Colectiva In the School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. _Colectiva Cathedral Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.